How Can I Figure Out What My Moon Sign Is

The zodiac is often the subject of ridicule by those who have a basic understanding of science and logic, but that doesn’t stop true believers from believing that the moon, sun, and other stars have an effect on their lives. Most newspapers that publish a horoscope will show your sun sign, but the question “how can I figure out what my moon sign is” is just as valid as knowing one’s sun sign.

It’s at this point that some people will ask why it’s even important to know what their moon sign is. If they already are willing to believe in a sun sign, then wanting to know a moon sign may indicate that they are looking for additional insights. It could also be argued that needing more insights proves that sun signs aren’t all that effective either, but that’s not the point of this article. Some astrologers believe that one’s sun sign is an indication of how others see you, while the moon sign signals how you see yourself.

The problem with answering “how can I figure out what my moon sign is” is that various astrologers give a different interpretation of what your moon sign is, and how to figure it out. Therefore, you pretty much have to choose an astrologer (any astrologer will do), and follow their instructions for determining your personal moon sign. You will at, the very least, need to know your birthday, but in some cases you will need to know what time of day you were born, as well as the place of your birth (refer to your birth certificate if you are unsure of any information surrounding your birth).

Here is a quick overview of each zodiac sign (the sun sign) and how their respective moon sign can influence them.

If you are a Pisces, you may be good at making decisions, but the downside is that it can lead you to be critical of others. However, when the moon is in Pisces your mind may slow down a bit, but that can help you to feel more social than usual.

Geminis , on the other hand, will find that they think quicker when the moon is in Gemini.

A Taurus may experience more stubbornness, mixed with a better memory, when the moon is in the same sign.

Those who were born under the sign of Aires will be more even-keeled when the moon is within Aires. At the same time, the Aires can be harder to approach during this time.

Cancers become more spiritual when the moon is in Cancer, and that’s a good antidote to their otherwise calculating demeanor.

The Sagittarius with the moon in their sign will feel more free spirited and it will clearly show.

The typically moody Scorpio will discover more clarity when their moon sign is Scorpio, but this clarity my not be enough to offset the moodiness.

Libras will find that their desire for harmony and balance enhances their creativity when the moon is in Libra.

Decision making becomes somewhat confused for the Aquarian when the moon resides in their sign.

Virgos will have nearly limitless energy, enthusiasm, and positivity when the moon falls within Virgo.

Heightened senses and emotions await the Capricorn when the moon is in Capricorn.

Leos will rely on their management abilities when the moon is in Leo, because change is just around the corner.

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